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Tuesday 21 February 2017

To put our heart and soil

     Soil degradation is the decline in soil quality that is mostly due to human triggered factors such as agriculture, pastural, industrial and urbanization. With the recent climate change, soil quality is quickly experiencing downfall.

     On December 31st 2011, 76 houses were deeply affected by soil erosion. The houses affected are in Kampung Semerah Padi from Sungai Midin flood migration drainage project. The project certainly backfired and for the lives of hundreds, their New Years celebration were ruined. A large sum of money were used for the repairs of the damage done.

     In Sarawak, we are at dilemma on whether to continue clearing land but risking the destruction of our ecosystem especialy our soil quality OR we could just sit back and leave our land be but then not achieving any development.

     Sooooo.....Which one is it? To save our soil or stay rooted as an underdeveloped nation for the years to come?

     Apparently, most had chose the latter. Mercilessly, healthy soil is being traded for factories and housing areas despite being clearly informed and aware of the upcoming  disasters .

     Many would argue, that we do not have a choice. We can't choose both. But what if we CAN? What if there IS a way? Here in Soil Mates we discuss different ways to continue to develop progress and maintaining the quality of our soil. Reaching out to the young and old from all walks of life with the voice of the internet, we aspire to change the mindset of the society and raise awareness to our people that our soil also need our undying attention and love.

     The soil is a great connector of lives. A healer, restorer and resurrector by which disease passes into heath, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it we have no community because without proper care for it we can have no life.