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Friday 28 April 2017

What have we done??

Imagine an Utopian world where the world plagues, poverty, war or even climate change no longer exists. When we humans do not need to invent antibiotics, no obesity crisis, no more terrorism and blood baths, are we totally out of danger? 

The answer is no. Even if all of those problems to vanish overnight, we are still do not address the issue in hand which is seen as trivial as compared to seemingly far important concerns. It literally and metaphorically beneath us. We consider it insignificant due its absence in our social media.It is crucial that we realize that all humanity depends on it. As written in Sanskrit text dated 1500 B.C., "Upon this handful of soil survival depends. Husbands it and it will grow our food, our fuel, and our shelter and surround is with beauty. Abuse it, and soil will collapse and die ,taking all humanity with it.".

So, what have we done that continues to destroy our soil?


Although farming is important to society in order to provide food .In farming, farmers add nutrients in the form of fertilizers especially if the land is not naturally fertile.This farming practice causes water pollution when rainwater washes away the excess fertilizer. It also causes soil loss. Farmers clear trees and other plants and plow soil to plant crops. But without its natural cover, soil is more exposed to the rain and wind, where leaching occurs. Overgrazing also affects our soil greatly. When farm animals eat large amount of land cover, it destroys the  natural vegetation , exposing the soil to weathering. This leads to desertification which is the expansion of desert condition in areas where natural plant cover has been destroyed.



 Constructions are made in order to build roads and buildings. But little do we know, at construction sites soil washes away and ends up in nearby river or streams and even lakes and reservoirs. The eroded soil make the rivers muddy, harming aquatic life in the process and raises river levels and causes flood due to buildup in soil on riverbeds.


Digging of strip mines and open pit mines involve the removal of plants and soil from the surface of the ground. This exposes the rocks and minerals to the air and rainwater, therefore increasing the rate of chemical weathering rate.

Its another DIY test for your soil!

Credits to

This video shows about how to test your soil pH level using items that can be easily found in your house!๐Ÿ˜ It is a very simple and interesting project that can be done by the entire family member ๐Ÿ˜„. This project also helps you to understand more about your soil. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Lets Test Our Soil!

Credits to HGTV for the awesome video!

Have you ever wondered why your plants wilt or dead even though you have added sufficient amount of water or fertilizers๐Ÿ˜Ÿ? Maybe it is caused by your soil๐Ÿ˜ฒ! Have you ever tested your soil before? Is it a no๐Ÿ˜ฑ? Then you should watch this short yet awesome video on how to test your soil in just a few steps! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰

WHY soil are important??

PEOPLE tend to think that soil are not important ..They forget about how these soil play important role in their life. There are saying said that no soil no life… From the quote itself showed how important the soil is…

Soil is the basis for plant to growth, it is contributed to the maintenance of both the natural and planted landscape. It support the wetlands, jungles, forest that spawn the planet’s amazing vegetative BIODIVERSITY.

Other than plant, it also needed to animal biodiversity, above and below the ground. It is essential to the lives of wildlife and domesticated livestocks.

Next, soil is important in providing an adequate amount of water supply and maintaining its quality. Soil and the vegetative supports catch and distribute rainwater and play a key role in cycle of water and supply. The water adsorption properties of soil play role in reducing pollution from chemicals in pesticide and other compound.

Soil also provide both foundation and base materials for buildings, roads, and other building infrastructures.

There a lot of the importance of the soil that we cannot even realized it. So, together we support our soil and at the same time support our own life by take care of them…

Mahatma Gandhi